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Item List

VOLUME 10, NO. 2 (2023)

Special Issue: Frontier Wars
Edited by Mario Draper, Martin Kerby, & Margaret Baguley

Publication Date: 21 December 2023
War on the frontier

Mario Draper, Martin Kerby, & Margaret Baguley

Indigenous resistance in the Anglo-Zulu War

Ian F. W. Beckett

The very marrow of the national idea: Frontier wars and the Australian curriculum

Alison Bedford, Martin Kerby, Margaret Baguley, & Daniel Maddock

Bolivian settlers and Toba peoples: Appropriation of Indigenous lands on the Chaco Plains in the 1800s

Marcela Mendoza

(Flint)lock, stock, and two smoking barrels

Samuel C. Duckett White

Settler colonial violence in the American Southwest and German Southwest Africa

Janne Lahti

Australian children’s picture books, the Frontier Wars, and Joseph Campbell’s hero with a thousand faces

Margaret Baguley, Martin Kerby, Alison Bedford, & Mia O'Brien

Popular violence and ‘lay religion’ in centre-west Mexico during Mexico’s Cristero (1926-29)

Mark Lawrence

The Force Publique and frontier warfare in the late 19th Century Congo Free State

Mario Draper

The search for truth: filming the battle of Meewah

Daniel Maddock, Margaret Baguley, Martin Kerby, & Alison Bedford

‘Pou maumahara’, ‘the memory place’: Remembrance and material cultures of colonial conflict at the Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira

Rowan Light

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Publisher's Note: This special issue represents an experiment in publishing both history, public history, and history education within the space of a single special issue of our journal. There are articles in this special issue which fall outside the boundaries of what we usually publish in Historical Encounters, but which fall within the theme of the special issue itself, and so an allowance has been made to keep this set together, given the importance of historical memory and frontier violence within history education, and the public history field more broadly.


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ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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