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Gauging reflexive historical thinking: An exploratory study of Colombian undergraduates



Joshua Large, Juan Pablo Román Calderón



Universidad EAFIT, Colombia



This study gauges the development of an historical thinking skill we term reflexive historical thinking and its relationship to economic ideology among a group of undergraduate business students in an introductory history course at a Colombian private university.  A survey was conducted twice during a semester in which students answered questions regarding historical agency, personal agency, and economic ideology. We measured the relationships and changes in responses regarding these factors. We hypothesized that students with greater awareness of broad social and economic forces as determinants of historical events would also be aware of an array of social and economic forces informing their personal outlooks. Moreover, we expected such awareness – both historical and personal – to increase during the course.  Finally, we wondered how economic ideology influences such awareness. We found little support for the expectation that reflexive historical thinking developed over time, but interesting correlations between historical thinking and economic ideology. 



Reflexive historical thinking; Effective historical consciousness; Historical perspective taking; History education; Economic ideology


How to Cite:

Large, J., & Román Calderón, J. P. (2021). Gauging reflexive historical thinking: An exploratory study of Colombian undergraduates. Historical Encounters, 8(1), 139-155.




  • Published 8 November 2021

  • Double Blind Peer Reviewed

  • Authors Retains Copyright

  • Distributed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License




ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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