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Aims & Scope

Historical Encounters is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdsiciplinary journal dedicated to the empirical and theoretical study of:


  • historical consciousness (how we experience the past as something alien to the present; how we understand and relate, both cognitively and affectively, to the past; and how our historically-constituted consciousness shapes our understanding and interpretation of historical representations in the present and influences how we orient ourselves to possible futures);


  • historical cultures (the English equivalent of the German term Geschichtskultur which literally translates "history culture", and thus refers to the effective and affective relationship that a human group has with its own past; the agents who create and transform it; the oral, print, visual, dramatic, and interactive media representations through which it is lived, and by which it is disseminated; the personal, social, commercial, and political uses to which it is put; and the processes of reception that shape encounters with it);


  • history education (how we know, teach, and learn history through: schools, universities, museums, public commemorations, tourist venues, heritage sites, local history societies, and other formal and informal settings).


Submissions from across the fields of public history, history didactics, history education, curriculum & pedagogy studies, cultural studies, narrative theory, and historical theory fields are all welcome.


The journal editors are particularly interested in presenting a variety of voices from scholars at various career stages, and therefore encourages early career researchers to submit their work for review. 

Questions about the suitability of your article?
For all Inquiries about publishing in Historical Encounters, please Email:

We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can.

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ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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