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A/ Prof. Robert J. Parkes, The University of Newcastle, Australia


The Editor-in-Chief is the key liaison with all Editors, Associate Editors, Guest Editors, and external agencies and institutions. They also handle the initial contact with potential authors (regarding the suitability of manuscripts in terms of the journal’s aims and scope), and the final stage of the publishing process. Their primary responsibilities include: Directing the overall strategy of the journal; Determining if submitted manuscripts fit the scope of the journal; Acting as an ambassador for the journal; Commissioning content and fielding submission enquires as appropriate; Reviewing, proofing, copyediting, and approving any final copy material to be published; Establishing DOIs for published content; Registering published content in indexes; Archiving content in enduring repositories; Building an maintaining journal website and systems; Seeking material support for journal; Promoting the published material through social media; and Administering all business matters related to the journal.



Heather Sharp



Associate Professor Debra Donnelly, The University of Newcastle, Australia


Associate Professor Heather Sharp, The University of Newcastle, Australia


The Editor is the key liaison with authors. Their primary responsibilities include: Co-Directing the overall strategy of the journal; Acting as an ambassador for the journal, commissioning content and fielding submission enquires as appropriate; Consider the feedback of reviewers, and make decisions regarding the acceptance, revision, or rejection of manuscripts; Provide authors with reviewers’ feedback and editorial decisions; Approve revised manuscripts before sending for copy-editing. They are the primary contact for authors regarding the status of their manuscript during the review process.




Administrative Editors


Dr Emma Shaw, The University of Newcastle, Australia​​


​Dr James Goulding, The University of Newcastle, Australia​​


The Administrative Editors are the key liaison with reviewers. Their primary responsibilities include: Contributing to the overall strategy of the journal; Overseeing the review process workflow; Recruiting new reviewers.



Associate Editors

AMERICAS: A/ Prof. Gabriel Reich, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States

ASIA: Dr Yeow-Tong Chia, The University of Sydney, Australia

EUROPE: Prof. Christian Mathis, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland​


Associate Editors are regional ambassadors for the journal. They are responsible for promoting the journal in their regions, encouraging author submissions from their region, and assisting the Administrative Editors in locating appropriately qualified reviewers from their assigned regions. They may also on occasion, be called upon to assist with editorial decisions for manuscripts submitted from their regions.


Guest Editors


Guest Editors are appointed by the Executive Editor, and will generally be responsible for commissioning manuscripts for a special issue (the call for papers), and will manage submissions through a double blind peer review process. They make final decisions on their assigned manuscripts, and submit the complete special issue to the Executive Editor for a final decision on the special issue itself.


International Editorial Board


Established in 2014, our international editorial board brings together outstanding scholars in the field of history education and public history. The role of editorial board member for our journal is largely honorific, recognising and celebrating important experts in the field. However, members of the board also act as a ready team of potential reviewers with an active interest in the success of the journal; and of course lend their expertise and credibility to our journal, ensuring confidence in its editorial decisions.

Sirkka Ahonen, University of Helsinki (Emeritus), Finland

Keith Barton, Indiana University, United States

Cosme J Goméz Carrasco, University of Murcia, Spain

Anna Clark, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Penney Clark, University of British Columbia, Canada

Hilary Cooper, University of Cumbria, United Kingdom

Christine Counsell, Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom

Marko Demantowsky, Universität Wien, Austria

Kent Den Heyer, Alberta University, Canada

Alois Ecker, University of Vienna, Austria

John Fischetti, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Ivor Goodson, University of Tallinn, Estonia

Alix Green, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom

Tom G. Griffiths, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Jerome de Groot, Manchester University, United States

Mustafa Gündüz, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey

Robert Guyver, Independent Academic, United Kingdom

Christine Halse, Deakin University, Australia

Emeritus Harry Haue, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Terry Haydn, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom

Deborah Henderson, Queensland University of Tech., Australia

Flora Kan, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

Mills Kelly, George Mason University, USA, United States

Alexander Khodnev, Yaroslavl State University, Russian Fed.

Denisa Labischová, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Anna Larsson, Umeå University, Sweden

Peter Lee, Inst. of Education, University of London (Retired), UK

Jocelyn Létourneau, University of Laval, Canada

Stéphane Lévesque, University of Ottawa, Canada

Linda Levstik, University of Kentucky, United States

Daniel Lindmark, Umeå University, Sweden

Felicitas Macgilchrist, Georg Eckert Institute, Germany

Julie McLeod, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Susanne Popp, University of Augsburg, Germany

Jukka Rantala, University of Helsinki, Finland

Ruth Reynolds, The University of Newcastle (Retired), Australia

Jörn Rüsen, Inst. for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Germany

Ruth Sandwell, University of Toronto, Canada

Avner Segall, Michigan State University, United States

Heather Sharp, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Mark Sheehan, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Rob Siebörger, University of Cape Town (Emeritus), South Africa

Anthony Taylor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Danijela Trškan, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, EUROCLIO, Netherlands

Monika Vinterek, Dalarna University, Sweden

Edward Vickers, Kyushu University, Japan

Arja Hellevi Virta, University of Turku, Finland

Elizabeth Washington, University of Florida, United States

Joseph Zadja, Australian Catholic University, Australia

James Wertsch, Washington University in St Louis, United States

Joanna Wodjon, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Paul Zanazanian, McGill University, Canada



ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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