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Questions about our publication frequency?

Effective from 2022, the journal aims to publish at least two issues each year. These will generally be released in the January and July of each year. Please follow the Timelines link to understand the likely time periods involved in review, revision, and publication.


Special Issue/s: Any additional issue of each year will usually be a special "themed" issue. Guest Editors of a Special Issue will negotiate timelines with the Executive Editor, and deadlines for submission of manuscripts will be communicated directly with invited authors. Guest Editors must orchestrate and allow sufficient time for review, response, and editing; as well as revisions that may be required by the Executive Editor, who is finally responsible for what is published in the journal. Release dates of Special Issues will vary.


ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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