VOLUME 9, NO. 1 (2022)
ISSUE DOI: https://doi.org/10.52289/hej9.100
Date published: 15 April 2022
Editorial: Epistemic cognition in history education
Martin Nitsche
Christian Mathis
D. Kevin O'Neill
Researching epistemic beliefs in history education: A review
Gerhard Stoel
Albert Logtenberg
Martin Nitsche
Epistemic Cognition and Measurement Issues
Marcel Mierwald
Maximilian Junius
D. Kevin O’Neill
Sheryl Guloy
Fiona M. MacKellar
Dale R. Martelli
Epistemic Cognition of School Students
Caitríona Ní Cassaithe
Fionnuala Waldron
Thérèse Dooley
Diego Miguel-Revilla
Epistemic Cognition of University Students
Martin Nitsche
Monika Waldis
Epistemic beliefs and written historical reasoning: Exploring their relationship
Kristin Sendur
Carla van Boxtel
Jannet van Drie
Epistemic Cognition of Historians
and History Teachers
Aims in the practice of historiography: An interview study with Finnish historians
Mikko Kainulainen
Marjaana Puurtinen
Clark A. Chinn
Henrik Åström Elmersjö
Paul Zanazanian
Marjolein Wilke
Fien Depaepe
Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse